
Elevate your leadership and strategic skills

What the program can do for you

With Soul Career you’ll discover the foundations of true leadership. Understand how to motivate others to unlock their full potential and achieve goals for the organization and yourself.
Increase Leadership Self-Awareness
Enhance Team Performance and Morale
Develop Strategic Thinking Capabilities
Book a call

This Program Right For You If…

  • You’re a leader who’s trying to increase team cohesion and productivity.
  • You seek greater self-awareness and an understanding of your authentic leadership style.
  • You want to increase your strategic skills, set better targets, and meet objectives.
  • You need to delegate more and create an effective succession plan.
  • You aim to improve your team's performance against organizational indicators.

Here’s What’s Inside

More than 36 instructional videos that provide you with the knowledge, frameworks and tools to discover your authentic leadership style, become more strategic, and develop your team.

Weekly worksheets that take you deeper into the content, prompt you to implement the lessons and document your journey through the program.

Our top 3 recommended psychometric tests used by Harvard Business School and other leading organizations. These will help you gain a deeper understanding of your interests, motivations, and behaviours at work.

Live weekly group mastermind calls that help you stay on track and connect with others who are also on a leadership journey.

Member’s Community to share experiences and advice, get support, and connect with people on the same journey as you are.

Direct messaging access to your coaches for individual support and questions.

Detailed Program Breakdown

Week 1

Psychometrics & Career

Get a deeper understanding of yourself by taking the top psychometric tests used at Harvard Business School and other leading organizations.

Week 2

Visioning & Core Values

Create a detailed definition of your success as a leader based on your core values and inner self, not on who you think you should be.

Week 3

Managing The Self

Learn self-management techniques that can help you achieve greater efficiency, maintain solid work relationships and maintain a high level of productivity in the face of increased workplace demands.

Week 4

Motivation & Resilience

Explore the science of motivation and how you can cultivate curiosity and resilience during challenging times.

Week 5

Becoming a Leader

Explore leadership frameworks to discover what makes a great leader and the impact that leadership can have on team performance and productivity.

Week 6

Leading Others

Gain an understanding of the core functions of leadership such as establishing a clear vision and priorities, coaching and delivering feedback, and delegation and succession planning.

Week 7

Pinnacle Leadership

Learn how you can lead others through crisis situations, how you can build your reputation as a thought leader in your field and how you can ultimately create a lasting impact at work.

Week 8

Managing Burnout

Keep burnout at bay by understanding and utilizing the three main antidotes to burnout: rest, creativity and maintaining meaningful relationships.

Week 9

Strategic Thinking

Explore strategic planning frameworks, and build the key elements of your strategic plan.

Week 10

Major Projects and Resources

Continue exploring the concept of strategic planning by learning how you can plan and allocate your resources to make your objectives a reality.

Week 11

Tracking Results

In the final week of strategic planning you will pull everything together and learn how you can track the results of a strategic plan.

Week 12

Life Strategy

Learn how you can create well-being and achieve a balanced lifestyle by exploring concepts taken from positive psychology such as The PERMA model of well-being as well as the concepts of flourishing and flow.

Week 13

Program wrap-up

Share the lessons that you’ve learned and explore how we can support you in the next phase of your career.

Weekly Breakdown

Monday - Wednesday

New content available daily throughout the program

Thursday or Friday

Live weekly calls that encourage you to explore the concepts learned throughout the program and ask any questions you may have.

Saturday - Sunday

Take some time to reflect and refine everything you have learned. You can also use this opportunity to explore concepts you may have missed during the week.

Your Journey With Us

We want to make sure each client is a great fit for our program and our community. Follow the journey below to see if we are the right fit for your needs.
Watch Masterclass
Book a Career Alignment Call
Get invited to the program
Join the program

Invest in Yourself




minimum 3 months (total $1,800)
12 week online leadership development course
Our top 3 recommended psychometric tests included
More than 36 editable worksheets to track progress
Direct messaging access to coaches via member's community
Unlimited access to member’s community
Additional program resources and case studies
3 months minimum for the online program, extendable per month with access to group coaching

What clients say

Rachel Phillips

I feel incredibly privileged to have participated in such an insightful and enlightening program. I am excited to adapt the skills and knowledge learnt from this, to use in my current role, and to help me develop into a great future leader!

Florence Peart-Reid

The Soul Career® program was customized for our company and targeted the salient areas of what our leadership team needs to excel as leaders of high performance teams. It was informative, the instructor (s) were very knowledgeable and well read and could answer the questions we had on the key topics. We also got a chance to engage (even though remotely) with the other international team members. Overall a very useful and instructive course.

Camille Lawson

Soul Career® has made me dive into self-assessing my traits and how I can improve in ways in maintaining a healthy lifestyle with balancing work and family. This leadership programme was pitched and executed at the right time given this Global pandemic, it reminded me how important and valuable it is to take care of yourself and our community/supports. Thanks Soul Career®!!


Soul Career® was an eye opener - it made me realise that leadership has so much more facets than just guiding a team. Thanks for the enlightenment Soul Career®.

What Clients Say

I feel incredibly privileged to have participated in such an insightful and enlightening program. I am excited to adapt the skills and knowledge learnt from this, to use in my current role, and to help me develop into a great future leader!
Rachel Phillips
Imports Supervisor
The Soul Career® program was customized for our company and targeted the salient areas of what our leadership team needs to excel as leaders of high performance teams. It was informative, the instructor (s) were very knowledgeable and well read and could answer the questions we had on the key topics. We also got a chance to engage (even though remotely) with the other international team members. Overall a very useful and instructive course.
Florence Peart-Reid
Head of Manufacturing
Soul Career® has made me dive into self-assessing my traits and how I can improve in ways in maintaining a healthy lifestyle with balancing work and family. This leadership programme was pitched and executed at the right time given this Global pandemic, it reminded me how important and valuable it is to take care of yourself and our community/supports. Thanks Soul Career®!!
Camille Lawson
Tortuga Finance Business Partner

Have questions, we have answers

How long does it take to see results?


Your results depend on the effort you put in, and we can’t guarantee the same results for everyone. However, for those clients who complete all the exercises and activities, they often start seeing results in week 5 of the course and may receive an offer on average about 4-8 weeks after course completion.

Will it be a good fit for me?


The program is a good fit for people who have high energy, a positive mindset, and are willing to take consistent, persistent action until they get results. If this sounds like you, then you’re our ideal client.

What is the time commitment?


One hour per day, four days per week. That’s it!

What if it doesn’t work for me?


Whether you experience a transformative professional experience or not, you will walk away with a much deeper understanding of your mission in the world and what motivates you at work. You’ll learn advanced tools to pursue career opportunities at a high level. And you’ll be part of a network of like-minded peers and have access to the content forever. However if for any reason you’re not satisfied with the course within the first 30 days, you will receive a full refund (net of a $130 processing fee).

I’ve seen similar stuff in the past—what makes this program different?


We’ve crafted content based on real-life experiences and results. From working with Richard Branson, to participating in a Silicon Valley tech unicorn IPO, nonprofit opportunities, and remote work for global corporations – the experiences of our Founders have resulted in content that is designed for impact. We bring a diverse, global perspective along with world-class training from Harvard Business School and Michigan Ross School of Business.

What if I don't have much time to spend on it right now?


If you’re not able to commit one hour per day, four days per week to the program, it may not be the right time for you to take it. Wait until you’re ready to commit to doing the work needed to see results, then sign up!