
find Career fulfillment and your dream job

Is transitioners right for you?

  • You’re a high achiever who’s ended up stuck in a job that doesn’t fit with who you are
  • You feel undervalued, micromanaged, or overlooked in your job
  • You fear being left behind by your peers while you feel stuck
  • You crave a career that is meaningful, rewarding and gives you the lifestyle you desire
  • You want to feel a sense of belonging at work

What the program can do for you

Imagine What Life Could Be Like if You Found a Career That Reflected Who You Really Are?
Identify Your Ideal Career Path
Find Workplaces Where You Belong
Gain Clarity on Your Professionl Goals

Here’s What’s Inside

24 instructional videos that take you step-by-step through our proven method that clarifies your purpose, positions you for success, and accelerates your career.

An 84-page workbook that takes you deeper into the content and prompts you to document your journey through the program.

Our top 3 recommended psychometric tests, used by Harvard Business School and Tony Robbins to gain a deeper understanding of your interests, motivations, and behaviors at work.

Members Community to share experiences and advice, get support, and connect with people on the same journey as you are.

Live weekly group mastermind calls that help you stay on track and connect with others who are on their Soul Career journey too.

Direct messaging access to your coaches for individual support and questions.

Detailed Program Breakdown

Week 1

Psychometrics & Career

Get a deeper understanding of yourself by taking the top psychometric tests used at Harvard Business School and other leading organizations.

Week 2

Release The
Chasing Mindset

Stay centered on your journey and combat the fear of not being good enough or not being allowed to have the things you want. Learn tools to help you navigate through rejection and disappointment on your journey towards fulfillment.

Week 3

Start Your Search

Put it all together by creating your personal mission statement and using that as a basis to launch your search. Separate the search from the application. Build a network of internal champions who can elevate your application and increase your chances of getting the interview.

Week 4


We cover a lot in week 3 and we want to make sure you have some time to complete all the tools and frameworks before we dive into the next section of the course.

Week 5

The Ivy-League Job Readiness Toolkit

Position yourself well to get to the top of the applicant pool. Use Ivy-League techniques to redesign your resume and cover letter from a laundry list of responsibilities and experiences to a compelling summary of your achievements. Use a proven framework to ace your interview.

Week 6


Week 5 is the most challenging week of the course. We take a break here to slow things down a bit and allow you to catch your breath before we gear up to create synergy through consistent, persistent action.

Week 7

Take Action

Prepare for the next phase after you land your dream job. Learn how to negotiate for a better offer, how to decide between multiple offers, and how to leave a great first impression during the first 90 days on the new job.

Week 8

The Journey Ahead

Prepare for the next phase after you land your dream job. Learn how to negotiate for a better offer, how to decide between multiple offers, and how to leave a great first impression during the first 90 days on the new job.

Week 9

Program wrap-up

Share the lessons that you’ve learned and explore how we can support you in the next phase of your career.

Weekly Breakdown

Monday - Wednesday

New content available daily throughout the program

Thursday or Friday

Live weekly calls that encourage you to explore the concepts learned throughout the program and ask any questions you may have.

Saturday - Sunday

Take some time to reflect and refine everything you have learned. You can also use this opportunity to explore concepts you may have missed during the week.

Your Journey With Us

We want to make sure each client is a great fit for our program and our community. Follow the journey below to see if we are the right fit for your needs.
Watch Masterclass
Book a Career Alignment Call
Get invited to the program
Join the program

Invest in Yourself Risk-Free




Career Discovery Online Course to give you structure throughout your journey
Live weekly small group coaching for the duration of your subscription
Top 3 recommended psychometric tests included
Digital program workbook to track your progress over time
Direct messaging access to coaches and peers via members community
Additional program worksheets and case studies

What clients say

What Clients Say

When we think about careers we usually think of it as something we should chase. In Soul Career® you get the ability to really slow down and assess what you want.
Sana Rose
Soul Career® was definitely worth it. It took me on a journey of self-reflection in the beginning. And then introduced job search tools at the end. I learned about myself and what I need to do to get the job that I want.
Bari-Ann Bryant
Manager, Insurance Actuarial Services
"If you want to find the tools to figure out what you want to do, and how to find your Soul Career®, then this is definitely the place."
Chantal Simpson
General Manager, Administration

Have questions, we have answers

How long does it take to see results?


Your results depend on the effort you put in, and we can’t guarantee the same results for everyone. However, for those clients who complete all the exercises and activities, they often start seeing results in week 5 of the program and may receive an offer on average about 4-8 weeks after program completion.

Will it be a good fit for me?


The program is a good fit for people who have high energy, a positive mindset, and are willing to take consistent, persistent action until they get results. If this sounds like you, then you’re our ideal client.

What is the time commitment?


One hour per day, four days per week. That’s it!

What if it doesn’t work for me?


Whether you experience a transformative professional experience or not, you will walk away with a much deeper understanding of your mission in the world and what motivates you at work. You’ll learn advanced tools to pursue career opportunities at a high level. And you’ll be part of a network of like-minded peers and have access to the content forever. If you're not satisfed for any reason, you can cancel your subscription at any time.

I’ve seen similar stuff in the past—what makes this different?


We’ve crafted content based on real-life experiences and results. From working with Richard Branson, to participating in a Silicon Valley tech unicorn IPO, nonprofit opportunities, and remote work for global corporations – the experiences of our Founders have resulted in content that is designed for impact. We bring a diverse, global perspective along with world-class training from Harvard Business School and Michigan Ross School of Business.

What if I don't have much time to spend on it right now?


If you’re not able to commit one hour per day, four days per week to the program, it may not be the right time for you to take it. Wait until you’re ready to commit to doing the work needed to see results, then sign up!